i. The public wants to know how their money is spent. ii. iii. iv. b. Some of the sentences below have Subject-Verb Agreement errors. Rewrite the sentences that have the errors, ensuring that they are corrected. Everyone get to have some gifts when my parents visit me on campus. One of these boys wears sunglasses to class. I am quite sure few memorises biblical quotations. V. The police is looking for the criminal to arrest. vi. Neither of the men has any clue about it. vii. Either the twins or their mother washes the bowls. viii. My friend with his parents are coming home this Easter. ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. I always feels weak after doing this hard exercise. Some students worry too much about Communication Skills examination. All of the gas have leaked. Twenty four hours appear to be a long period. He doesn't speak French xiv. They likes indomie with sausages. 2. tuating it appropriately.​