Complete with some / any. [4] ... onions for his soup. We need Have we got...........cola? I'm hungry. Let's make..........sandwiches. There aren't.. _ tomatoes in the fridge. 2 Complete with a lot of / much / many. [4] There'...........juice in that carton. We've got.. Is there.. We need.. Have you got. popcorn In a bowl. water in that bottle? flour for the cake. CDs? We've got Can I have not.. sugar in my coffee? Is there money today. milk in the fridge? There isn't.. time left. I've got... .computer games. There aren't.. messages for you. There aren't. children in the stadium. 3 Complete with a / an / some / any. [5] Tom wants..........cookie. Have we got There are. There's. I don't eat. I would like. .chips, please. orange juice? Laura would like. cheese in her salad. .bananas in the kitchen. We haven't got pudding left. rice in the box. I've got..........sandwich for you. apples every day. She has got.. .cheese in her bottle.​