Fire control
refighters tackle fires using an understanding of combustion
reactions. The fire triangle
is a simple way of expressing the
ree things needed for
combustion to continue: oxygen,
eat, and fuel. Taking one of these
components away will
"ake the reaction end-and
the fire go out.
> Oxygen
gas is one of the
reactants in the combustion
reaction. Firefighters
smother a fire with
foam, sand, or a
blanket to cut off
the oxygen supply.
The heat released by the
reaction is used to power
the combustion of more
fuel and oxygen.
Adding water will
cool the reaction
and reduce
its energy.
Δ Fuel
Fire needs fuel. Firefighters have
to consider what is burning before
deciding how best to extinguish
the fire safely and effectively.
Complete the 3 missing words of the fire triangle on the back of this sheet.
Next to the triangle, draw or paste pictures of examples for each word
How can firefighters stop a fire? Give a few examples and specify on which
side of the triangle it acts.
Firefighter: le pompier
Foam: la mousse
To cool: refroidir
To tackle: s'attaquer à
Blanket: une couverture
Safely: sans risque
To smother: étouffer
To release: libérer