bonjour quelqu'un peut m'aider svp ses pour de l'anglais on a un texte ci-dessous et il faut répondre au question en photo
merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront

Dear Abby Congratulations! High School is finally over! As I write this letter I am a freshman and I can't even imagine opening it when I graduate. It seems so far in the future from now. But look, here you are. You are finally done now! believe it has already been Can you four years? Have friends? Did you you kept the same end up getting good grades Also, what about college? Have you decided where you are going yet? Always remember you are a smart girl. Take care of yourself and have fun! The world is waiting for you! Love Always, Abby♡​

bonjour quelquun peut maider svp ses pour de langlais on a un texte cidessous et il faut répondre au question en photo merci davance à ceux qui maideront Dear A class=