
Bonjour :) est ce que vous pouvez m’aider pour cet exercice ?Je n’ai malheureusement pas le temps de le faire car je suis débordée :(

Les subordonnées en who, which et whose
13 Relie les deux propositions à l'aide du bon
pronom relatif.
a. Edison was an American inventor... developed
the electric light bulb.
b. The phonograph, ... was invented by Edison in
1877, enabled the recording and reproduction of
c. Edison,... inventions also included the motion
picture camera, started his career as a telegraph
d. Fairy tales... feature princesses and dragons
are my favourite.
e. Martin Luther King, ... was a Civil Rights activist,
received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
f. Martin Luther King, ... energies were directed
against racial discrimination, was assassinated in
g. The Commonwealth, ... is composed of
53 independent countries, subscribe to the same
values and principles.
h. Australia,... most famous monument is Uluru,
is a member of the Commonwealth.

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