2. Tu racontes ce qu'un ami t'a dit pour s'excuser d'avoir raté un après-midi de travail sur un projet
I was really angry on Friday night because he had forgotten to come and the project's due on Monday but then
a. I'm
d. We don't
need to
b. I've found some
really cool photos
for our school
a. ... this morning, he called me and said ....
b. He told me....
c. And he added
d. In the end, he said... because he was sure....
So I guess it's all right !
c. I can come
d. We'll manage to
finish it on time.

2 Tu racontes ce quun ami ta dit pour sexcuser davoir raté un aprèsmidi de travail sur un projet commun I was really angry on Friday night because he had forgot class=

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