Rephrase with a relative
1. We decided not to swim in the sea. (The sea looked rather
2. The new cinema will be opened next week. (The cinema holds
150 people)
3. Jane is one of my best friends. (I share all my secrets with her.)
4. That woman over there is a dancer. (I don't remember her
5. Opposite our house there is a nice park. (There are some
beautiful flowers in this park.)
6. I often go to meet my friends in Bournemouth. (Bournemouth
is only 30 miles away.)
7.I went to see the doctor. (The doctor told me to rest for a few
8. The population of London is now falling. (London was once the
largest city in the world.)
9. We spent a very good week by the lake. (We camped out there)
10. Our school vice principle was late this morning. (Vice
principle is nearly always on time.)