
Martin Luther King was born on January 13
1929 in Atlanta,
Georgis. At that time, boys
and girls
with different skin colors couldn't
together Black children couldn't go to
the same
schools as whites. Blacks and
whites couldn't sit in the same bus seats
He wanted to become a preacher and his
parents sent him to be educated in the
north where there was no official racial
segregation. He went to university to
study theology, and obtained his PhD,
As a minister in Montgomery, Dr King heard
about Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused to
give her seat in a bus to a white man and who
was arrested by the police in December 1955.
On April 4th, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, a
white man assassinated MLK.
Today, in most states, the birthday of MLK is a
holiday. People take this day to remember the
accomplishments of this leader.
In 1963, to commemorate President's Lincoln
Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, he led a
great march on Washington, where he
delivered his famous speech "I Have A
Dream" to over 250,000 people.
For a year, blacks refused to use buses!
1. Put the extracts above into the correct order.
In 1933, he got married with Coretta Sett and
then became a minister in
Afterwards, King continued leading many other
protests He believed that
all people should be treated
equally under the law and he
wanted black and white
people to have the
same rights. So he became a
leader in the Civil Rights
That's why he decided to organize a bus boycott
that lasted almost
a year.
In 1964, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He
was the youngest person ever to win this
He was also elected Time magazine's man of
the year and was the first African American to
be on the magazine's cover.
As a boy, he liked reading books about
black leaders.
Finally, the Supreme Court in Washington
declared that segregation on the buses in
Alabama was illegal.
Some white people supported him, but many opposed
him. Some opponents even bombed his house. But
King, like Gandhi, refused violence.
2. Read Martin Luther King's biography and say if the following statements are true or false. If some
sentences are wrong, correct them.
In 1929, Black and White Americans lived very happily together..
In the 1950s, segregation was legal in many Southern States.
MLK wanted black and white children to go to the same schools.
Soon after Rosa Parks was arrested, the black people decided not to use the buses anymore.
The Montgomery bus boycott lasted 2 days.
►For MLK, Ghandi wasn't a source of inspiration
Rosa Parks received the Nobel Peace Prize.
MLK is still alive (int).
MLK's birthday has become a holiday.

MARTIN LUTHER KING Martin Luther King was born on January 13 1929 in Atlanta Georgis At that time boys and girls with different skin colors couldnt play togethe class=