F/3-6 الديوان امتحان المستوى - دورة 2024 المستوى والشعبة : 2 ثانوي آداب و فلسفة عدد الصفحات : 02 :التوقيت 15 ساو 45 د - 17سا و 45 د I-Part one: Reading A) Comprehension Read the text carefully then do the activities below. (15 pts.) (07 pts.) The United Nations is an international organization that unites all world common goal to ensure peace and human rights. It was formed in 1945, w of maintaining world peace and security. Not so long ago, World War I took the lives of more than 9 million million in World War II. Faced with the largest catastrophe in human h women around the world begun to dream of a peaceful world. The victorio pledged that history would not repeat itself and, toward that end, they agre new global organization that would be set up with the goal of preservin nations. On October 24, 1945, 51 states ratified the United Nations Charter v freeing our world from the possibility of war. The UN was thus created an instruments that its predecessor (The League of Nations)" lacked. Adapted from: ww "An International organization created after WWI to maintain world in its mission, and was replaced by the UN. 1) The text is: a) a web article b) a newspaper article c) an extract 2) Say whether the following statements are True or False. a) The UN is a global organization. b) The UN was created by the States that won WWI. c) The UN succeeded the League of Nations. 3) Identify the paragraph in which the following idea is mentioned. -The horrors of world wars created a feeling of necessity for peace. 4) Answer the following questions according to the text. a) Does the UN gather powerful countries only? Justify. b) When was the United Nations formed? c) Why was the United Nations established? 5) Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to. a) it(§1) b) itself (§2) 1/2​