
Part 7: Adjectives and Adverbs (10 points)
1. She is a very warm/warmly person.
2. He put the dishes away tidy/tidily.
3. David arrived very punctual/punctually at the party.
4. I noticed after a while that things were getting pretty
5. The magazine comes out monthly/monthlily.
6. The suspected spy answered the question clever/cleverly.
7. The winning team were pretty lucky/luckily.
8. I resigned because management refused to take my complaints
9. I dislike loud/loudly people.
10. Bayern played very bad/badly on the weekend.

Part 8: Determiners (10 points)
1. There are too many/much things lying around in my room.
2. I've taken too many/much trouble over this project to stop now.
3. Cacti survive in the desert because they need a little/little water.
4. Unfortunately, after the war had ended, a few/few teenagers in the
village were able to read.
5. How can anyone have so few/little cheese in their house?
6. "We few/little, we happy few/little, we band of brothers. For he today
that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother."
7. Less/Fewer than five children live in this apartment block.
8. I feel less/the least confident about our team's chances this season
than I did last season.
9. Of all teams in the Swiss league, I like Young Boys more/the most.

Part 9: Prepositions (10 points)
Supply the correct preposition (if one is needed) in the blank space.
1. I'll need that book of mine back by/until Friday, I'm afraid.
2. She's found something new, so she'll only be working her current job
by/until Friday.
3. The couriers say that the parcel will reach your house by/until 3 PM.
4. My wife and I met each during/for the Covid pandemic.
5. They had known each other during/for six years before they got
6. The post office is in front of opposite my house.
7. There was a loud noise which woke us up
midnight. at
8. Last week I worked until 9 PM
every night. -