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Should we send graffiti artists to jail?


An online campaign is calling for the release of Krek and Mers, two graffiti artists jailed for causing £13,000 of damage to railway trains and bridges.

Thomas Dolan, 20, and Thomas Whittaker, 18, were jailed for 15 and 12 months respectively last month after admitting to causing damage of around £13,000 to trains and bridges in Greater Manchester. A campaign to free them has attracted hundreds of supportive messages online though a proportion of posters feel the pair's sentence was fair.

The campaign to free them has a Facebook presence. [...] Around 200 skateboarders held a rally at the weekend to call for the release of the two, who are known by their rags, Krek and Mers. The judge said ahead of sentencing that they were "decent people who have talent" but had dam- aged property and had to be deterred.

Their supporters argue that there must have been a better way of punishing them.

One aspect of the debate is the classic question of whether graffiti is art. Some posters, such as Andy on the BBC website, argue that there are talented artists like Banksy but also "vandals" and raggers who "unfortunately give the art a bad name".

He feels, though, that prison is not the right answer for Dolan and Whittaker and that vandals should be educated "with the money saved from (putting people in prison".

Mark Oliver, 18/09/2007

Svp Aidez moi cest pour dm merci davance si vous le faite TEXTE QUI VA AVEC LA FEUILLE Should we send graffiti artists to jail8An online campaign is calling for class=