The United Kingdom is famous for many things. British food is not one of the best in the world,
but there
are some tasty surprises to enjoy!
Shepherd's pie - this is a famous dish.
They usually make it on a cold, rainy
day. Irish housewives in the 1700s
were the first ones to cook this dish. It
has meat on the bottom and on the
top there is mashed potatoes. This
becomes crunchy" and delicious!
People usually put lamb in the pie. If
you use beef, they just call it another
name... a cottage pie!
Toad in the hole - in English, a toad
is similar to a frog, but don't worry,
this dish doesn't have toads in it! In
fact, it has delicious sausages in a
special Yorkshire pudding batter.
This became popular in the 1700s
and people made it from eggs, milk
and flour. It was a way to cook the
cheapest pieces of meat in a tasty
way. No one knows why it has such
a strange name, but there are a lot
of funny stories to tell us
Fish and chips-maybe the mos
famous meal from the UK! The
history of fish and chips is not
clear; no one knows where it
came from! Jewish restaurants
were the first places to sell fried
fish in the UK, but people aren't
sure when a restaurant first made
and sold fish cooked like this with
fried potatoes. But it is a really
delicious dish for sure!
'mashed: reducing to a soft mass
"crunchy: hard & making a noise when you eat
Read the text and correct the statements (1-5).
People usually make shepherd's pie on sunny days.
The top of shepherd's pie is smooth.
3 You make Yorkshire pudding batter with meat.
7 a
4 It is expensive to cook toad in the hole.
5 Everyone knows where fish and chips came from.
2 ** Read the text and decide if the sentences are true (T), false (F) or doesn't
say (DS).
1 Shepherd's pie is usually a meal with vegetables only.
2 Shepherd's pie has potatoes and meat.
3 Toad in the hole is a French dish.
4 They cook toad in the hole in Yorkshire.
5 Jewish restaurants were the first places to sell fish and chips.
*** Read the texts and then complete the sentences. Use up to four words.
1 The first people to make shepherd's pie were
2 The ingredients for shepherd's pie are
3 Toad in the hole doesn't
4 Toad in the hole became popular
5 Fish and chips is probably the most famous