
Have you ever been to Canada ?
What do you know about this country?
Do that quiz to discover it!
1. What is the capital of Canada?
the capital of Camada i
2. Where is Canada situated in the world?
the camada is situated.........
um North america
3. What is the currency used in Canada?
The care may is camadas
Called the Camadiem dollar
4. What is the second largest city in Canada?
5. What is the national sport of Canada?
6. What is the traditional Canadian dish made of fries, cheese, and gravy?
7. What is the iconic symbol of Canada?
8. What are the colours of the Canadian flag? What is it composed of?
9. What is the official language in Canada?
10. Canada is composed of 3 territories and 10:
11. In which part of Canada can you speak French?
12. In Canada, there is a president/prime minister/king/ emperor ?
Quelqu’un peut m’aider car je ne sais pas