In the bag.
1 Explique ce que tes amis faisaient quand tu es arrivé(e) au parc.
griz now bensqquill.b
a. John / play football. →hen & annived soen was playing football
b. Tom and Kate/listen to music. → when carrived Tom and Kate wadina benzło
c. Sarah/read.→ when i senised Sanah was neaching...
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2 Conjugue les verbes au prétérit simple ou au prétérit en be+ BV-ing.
a. When I (go)..going... out this morning, it (ra. ...….….….….….….…..
b. They (do)
their homework when I (arrive) ...
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to the cinema when she (see)...................... the accident. 19 nodw
c. She (go)............
d. When I (find)......................her, she (sleep)
in the garden!