4 Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false
1 Jonathan was better than the other men who applied for
the job. F
2 Jonathan has lots of experience of looking after small
3 The percentage of male nursery schoolteachers is less
than ten years ago. F
4 People expect male nursery schoolteachers to behave
like female nursery schoolteachers, T
5 Jonathan's female friends admire him for his choice of
career. T
6 The number of women air-traffic controllers has risen over
the past ten years,
7 Both Caroline and her dad are interested in planes,
8 Caroline wasn't surprised that the male air-traffic
controllers viewed her with suspicion.
9 Quite a few of the women air-traffic controllers can't read
a map.
7 wk
jobs in
a he
b w

4 Are these sentences true or false Correct the falsesentences1 Jonathan was better than the other men who applied forthe job F2 Jonathan has lots of experience class=

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