Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Let's then go to the restaurant. at the hotel, and

10. on the bed until you feel better.

a. box up

b. book in

2. You need to were wrong. and say you

c. blow in

b. lie down

c. mess with

a. man up

3. She was afraid that the house will during the fire.

a. go after

b. go down

4. We are next week. to our new house

c. burn down

a. burning up b. blowing away

c. moving on

5. Don't live your life. on the past and

a. Kick out

11. The price of fruit summer. in the

b. Blow away

c. Lie down

c. looks up

a. blows in

b. goes down

12. When I got back to my car, it was

.. by another car.

a. blown down

b. booked out

13. Don't move or I'll

a. blow/away

c. boxed in

b. blow/in

c. blow/down

14. I'm in a hurry, so I have to now.

a. book out

b. answer back

15. The owner me of the apartment because I didn't pay the rent.

a. answer back

b. box in

c. look back

6. Just do as your mother tells you, and don't

c. focus on

a. kicked/out

b. booked/out

c. lied/down

16. My friends my birthday

party and went out.

a. answer back

b. blow down

c. go down

a. blew away

b. blew off

7. They always their old clothes and give them to poor people.

17. Don't a bad mood. me today, I'm in

b. book in

a. box up

b. answer back

c. blow down

a. kick out

18. My cousin with his family. suddenly

8. All people English these days. studying

a. look back

b. focus on

c. blow in

9. The police him, but he got away.

a. went down

b. went after

c. booked out

c. messed with

c. mess with

a. blew away

b. blew in

19. The wind is high enough to trees.

a. go after

b. lie down

c. blew off

c. blow down

20. I have changed my car because the old one too much gas.

a. lies down

b. looks back

c. burns down​

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