omplaining about the
Child labour and suggesting
peaker in a debate on the
should be given equal
e boy child Write your
gainst the topic.
nds with the words: That
HENSION (20 marks)
after Ibezim had testified
he land dispute between
as the only man to testify
at dispute, and had struck
est man who was telling
ezim the admiration and
icer. Consequently, the
o send his son to the new
that held out so much
ule necessitated the
t of his honest friend as
n's testimony in the land
th of many of his own
im responsible for their
but also resented his
ficer and his patronage
I religion which were
ways of the land. So,
anted Chief Ibezim at
onfer with his people on
ickly turned their backs
is dilemma. Some even
oing to be arrested and
hesitation Ibezim finally
on and go to Umueke.
dhe was sure the earth
and condone his going
ose who had wished him
eir lives. They now had a
r them!
hief Ibezim the District
ch Ibezim benefited from
e District Officer.
why the villagers were
zimnich Chief Ibezin
decided to break with
Jon is meant here?
ck. (1) What grammatical
is expression? (ii) What is
sed in the sentence?
"What figure of speech is
croase in life expectancy-bany
towards the end of the twentieth century hus
renewed interest among scientists and layman.aka
in the subject of longevity and he ageing
This lengthening of life has been one
achievements of humanity,
was in
this fact
that the United Nations
1999 as the "International Year of
and older
people, instead of the
young, now form the
Demographers tell a
surprising story:
owing words, find another
means the same obs
used in
fastest growing population group on earth.
What then are the factors that determine man's
and the length of his life? Recent studies
identified so, of these. It is known that
the sounder
your habits
the longer your life may last. Nutritionists
have told us that we W
what we eat, that is to say, that
what we eat influences the state of our health.
Instead of over-eating, one should eat a balanced
diet including fruit and plenty of vegetables,
Moderate physical exercise on a regular basis is of
immense benefit. The family doctor should be
consulted on how much exercise and what type are
most appropriate for each individual. studies have
shown that simple exercises in and around the home
help the elderly to regain strength and vitality.
The adage "use it or lose it" applies not only to the
muscles but also to the mind. Mental exercise keeps
the brains "telephone lines" alive whereas mental
decline or serenity starts the moment a person retires
and decides to take things easy in the erroneous
belief that doesn't have to keep up with the world any
more. Many retired civil servants fall into this bad
habit. They can change this unhealthy habit by being
actively engaged in reading, travel, education, clubs,
professional associations. It is believed that such
activities not only lift the spirit but also "rewire "the
In addition to these is the environment. In many
developing countries the environment poses grave
dangers to health, often resulting in preventable
deaths. Access to clean safe water is severely
limited. There are huge mountains of refuse breeding
vermin, cockroaches and disease causing germs in
both rural and urban areas. All this contribute, to the
low life expectancy in these countries. Better
sanitation, safer water for all and a reduction of
vermin in the home will improve man's environment
bolster his health and extend his life-span.
The next factor is the state of medical care
available in our countries. In the developed
countries, advances in medical science have
dramatically improved health and delivery
Unfortunately, the reverse has been the case in the
poor countries of Africa and Asia. For example, in the
USA, only one woman in 12,500 dies from
pregnancy-related causes whereas one in 21 dies in
Africa from the same causes! That speaks volumes
about the deplorable state medical services.
Finally, man has made a breakthrough in
controlling his genetic make-up. A decade or so ago,
had no control whatsoever over his genetic
gingering. Now, he can re-design, his genetic
encitation to ensure better health and longer life.
in six sentences, one for each, state the
plans that improve man's health and life-span.

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