
Match the words and the verbs below to ask questions, as in this example:

          What is the funniest film you have ever seen?


○funny film                                              ○receive, received, received

○dangerous sport                                 ○get, got, got

○boring book                                          ○buy, bought, bought

○patient person                                     ○meet, met, met

○good/bad mark                                    ○read, read, read

○surprising prensent                           ○practise, practised, practised

○expensive trainers                              ○see, saw, seen

○unusual food                                       ○eat, ate, aeten



Aidez moi svp 

Merci d'avance^^

Répondre :

> What is the funniest film you have ever seen ?

> Would you like to practice dangerous sport ? 

> Have you ever read a boring book ?

> Who is the most patient person you have met ?

> Did you obtain a good mark for the english exam ?

> Did you received surprising present for Christmas ?

> How much did you bought those expensive trainers ?

> Where did you ate these unusual food ?


Désolée si mes questions se ressemblent un peu toutes ...