Exercice 1

My name is David , I'm from (1......) where I'm (2...........) at Mc Gill university.I sually start at (3......) except when I have a (4.........)(5..........).I love it ! I take (6.......) when it's too cold. I have a room in an English-speaking family so I'm quite good (7........). They have (8........) daugthers who are really cute !

Voila le mots qu'il faut placés : two , the subway , drawing , lesson , Montreal , 8:30 , a student , at English .

Exercice 2

1-Where ............ ?
2-What ............ ?

Les questions correspondes au textes donc les numeros.

C'est un controle que j'ai fait est j'arrive pas a le corriger toutes seules svp aider moi.

Répondre :

1 Montréal
2 a student
3 8:30
4 darwinisme
5 lesson
6 the subway
7 at english
8 two
Exercice 1 :
My name is David , I'm from Montreal where I'm a student at Mc Gill university. I sually start at 8:30 except when I have a drawing lesson . I take the subway when it's too cold. I have a room in an English-speaking family so I'm quite good at english. They have two daugthers who are really cute !