base verbaleou verbe au preterite?choisis puis complete


a)yesterday , my parents .........(buy) a new car.

b)what did you.....(buy) for peter's irthday?

c)did you....(visit) your grand-parents lastsunday?

d)what did you.......(visit)during your scool trip?

e)from two to four in the afternoon we.......(visit)the roman baths then we ........(go)to the theatre.

f)what time did you.......(go) back home?

Répondre :

a)yesterday , my parents ARE BUYED a new car.

b)what did you  IS BUYED for peter's irthday?

c)did you VISITED your grand-parents lastsunday?

d)what did you IS VISITED during your scool trip?

e)from two to four in the afternoon we.ARE VISITED the roman baths then we ARE GOING )to the theatre.

 f)what time did you IS GOING back home?

a) bought

b) buy

c) visit


e) visited - went

f) go