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 Le Samedi 27 Mars 1999, n'était pas un jour comme les autres; j'était très énervé. Ma voisine, Mme Silvio partait faire les courses et avait un lapin nains blanc qui se prénomait Noisette ; il était très pénible avec moi car il me narguait car j'était chez moi, dans ma niche tandis que lui se promenait dans la rue . Je me détacha, sauta par dessus la cloture et lui courra après. On courrait pendant environ une heure puis il s'epuissa.... je le griffa et le morda comme il était petit il avait moins de force que moi !

Répondre :

Saturday, March 27th of 1999, wasn't a day like the other one; i was angry. My neighbour, Mrs.Silvia was going for some shopping and had a white rabbit named Noisette; he was really tiring with me because I was in my house while he was walking all across the road. So I took off my rope and jumped on the wall. I started to run after him during a long hour, the rabbit was tired... I caught him and bited him because he was little than me and less stronger !

the saturday march 27th 1999, was not a day like others ; i was very angry . my neighbour , mme silvio went to do shopping and had a rabbit dwarf how named noisette ; he was very hard with me because he taunted  because i was  at my home, in my kennel while he walked on the street. i detached , jumped above the fence and ran after. we ran through about one hour then he exhausted.... i clawed and bited like he was small he had less strength that me !!!!


voila  j'espère que je t'ai aidé