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Ecrire un texte de maximum 20 lignes. Choisir un mythe ou une légende de votre choix et les relier à une histoire contemporaine, moderne. Contrainte: Effectuer cet écrit en utilisant 5 fois la voix passive pour décrire les éléments employés pour construire une histoire.

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Deep in the heart of a modern metropolis, lies the fabled sword Excalibur, once wielded by King Arthur in the days of yore. Forgotten amidst the bustling city life, it is accidentally stumbled upon by a construction crew during excavation for a new skyscraper. Unearthed from its ancient resting place, the sword is carefully transported to a museum where it is studied by historians and archaeologists, amazed by its impeccable craftsmanship and mysterious origins.

As tests are conducted on the blade, whispers spread among the museum staff about its legendary powers and the potential it holds for shaping the future. However, disagreements arise within the academic community, with debates raging over who should possess the sword and its rightful place in history. Eventually, amidst a flurry of media attention, Excalibur is stolen from the museum by a shadowy figure, intent on using its supposed magic for their own nefarious purposes.

Despite efforts by law enforcement to track down the thief, Excalibur vanishes once again into the urban landscape, leaving behind a trail of intrigue and speculation. As the legend of King Arthur's sword continues to captivate the imagination, the question remains: who will next wield the power of Excalibur, and what destiny awaits them?