Bonjour vous auriez la réponse de cette exercice merci beaucoup
Compléter à l'aide de "wasn't" ou "weren't":
1-They very polite with us!
2- It
difficult, was it?
a very good match.
4-They didn't eat those sandwiches, so, they sick.
5 My brothers very happy about it.
6- There
any money in your bag!
7- I think the lesson
8- There
any potatoes in the cupboard.

Répondre :



Réponse :

Compléter à l'aide de "wasn't" ou "weren't":

I/he/she/it wasn't

you/we/they weren't

1-They weren't very polite with us!

2- It wasn't a very good match

3-It wasn't difficult, was it?

.4-They didn't eat those sandwiches, so, they weren't sick.

5-My ????

5 My brothers weren't very happy about it.

6- There wasn't any money in your bag!

'money' indénombrable

7- I think the lesson wasn't interesting

8- There weren't any potatoes in the cupboard.

'potatoes' dénombrable pluriel