3. Complète ces questions avec le bon auxiliaire (do»/«does> / /«have»/«be ») et termine la réponse. you going to South Africa this summer?" "No, I unfortunately!" you watch the documentary about wildlife in Africa last night?" "Yes, I you think Mandela was a great man?" "Yes, I definitely d. "you read his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom?" "No. 1 Not yet." South Africa changed since Apartheid ended?" "Yes, it..." f." South Africa belong to the Commonwealth?" "Yes, it​

Répondre :



Réponse :

Are you going to South Africa this summer?" "No, I'm not  unfortunately!"

présent be + V-ing

Did  you watch the documentary about wildlife in Africa last night?" "Yes, I did.

prétérit : auxiliaire did

Do you think Mandela was a great man?" "Yes, I definitely do

présent simple : auxiliaire : do

Have you read his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom?"

"No. I haven't yet."

present perfect : auxiliaire have

Has South Africa changed since Apartheid ended?" "Yes, it has "

present perfect : auxiliaire has ( 3ème personne singulier )

" Does South Africa belong to the Commonwealth?" "Yes, it​ does

présent simple : auxiliaire does ( 3ème personne du singulier )