Packaging - Maintenance - Distribution - Accounts - Quality Payroll - Purchasing - Sales Personnel - Production - Training - Marketing Questions: 1. Prepares products for storage or shipment. 2. Pays wages and salaries.. 3. Creates procedures to prevent mistakes. 4. Conserves and repairs tools & equipments. 5. Helps staff to become more skilled and valuable. 6. Buys supplies.. 7. Selects and hires employees. 8. Dispatches products to customers. 9. Manufactures all kinds of goods. 10. Sends representatives to visit customers. 11. Sends invoices to customers. 12. Plans how to promote products & reach customers 'needs.​

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Réponse :

Packaging ( conditionnement )→  1. Prepares products for storage or shipment.

Maintenance →  4. Conserves and repairs tools & equipments.

Distribution →  8. Dispatches products to customers.

Accounts ( comptabilité )→ 11. Sends invoices to customers.

Quality → . 3. Creates procedures to prevent mistakes.

Payroll ( paie )→ 2. Pays wages and salaries.

Purchasing ( achats )→  6. Buys supplies..

Sales ( ventes )→  10. Sends representatives to visit customers.

Personnel →  7. Selects and hires employees.

Production →  9. Manufactures all kinds of goods.

Training ( formation )→   5. Helps staff to become more skilled and valuable.

Marketing →   12. Plans how to promote products & reach customers 'needs.​

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