1.1 rarely...watch 2. My parents....have never been 3. Next week we....are.flying...... 4. Emma.....has had.......... 5. If you.....don't.go........ (regret) it. 6. Sam saw through the forest. Set 3 .....(watch) documentaries. .....(never/be) abroad. (fly) to the USA. .....(have) this guitar for three years. ....(not/go) to school tomorrow, you .......will regret.... 54445APER ....(see) something strange while he ...was walking.............. (walk) 19... 7.Stop talkin A A- ........(learn). 8.Julia someumes ..........(buy) really expensive shoes. 9. Bartek Lisz tekstiniai.....(lose) his mobile while he 10. (skateboard) in the park next to his house. 11. My dad wants 12. We would like 13. Adam hates 14. 15. Let's go to that restaurant. I 16........... 17. How about ..(you/cook) now? Isn't it a bit too late? ..(buy) a faster car. ..(have) a dog. (clean) the bathroom. ..(you/help) me if you have some time tomorrow? (elephants/eat) meat? ...(never/be) there. .........(go) to the theatre on Friday? 1. My little sister can't 2. Anita Set 4 ...(swim). (go) to work two hours ago.