Bonjour je voudrais bien avoir de l'aide si vous plaît car mon anglais n'est pas trop top

2° Complete the two conversations with the words in parentheses. Use the Present Perfect:

BEV: How is your class going?

DIANA: Great. I ......... (learn) a lot about the Arctic and polar explorers.

BEV: That sounds interesting. ....... you ....... (read) that book by Paul Nicklen?

DIANA: No, ........... Who is he? I .................(never/hear) of him.

BEV: He's a photographer. He polar climates for many years.
He .............(live) and .............(work) in (take) amazing photos of all kinds of animals.


Lee : Mr Chin ................. ( just / cancel) today's class.

Jen : Really ? .............. he ............... ( reschedule) it yet ?

Lee : No, not yet. But I heard the class might be on Saturday .

Jen : Is that possible? ........... you ............. ( ever / have ) a class on a Saturday ?

3° WRITING: Choose ONE question (tick it ) and answer it, using the Present Perfect, writing long and complex sentences.
What activities have you always loved to do? What interesting places have you visited recently?
What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?​

Bonjour je voudrais bien avoir de laide si vous plaît car mon anglais nest pas trop top 2 Complete the two conversations with the words in parentheses Use the P class=

Répondre :



2° Complete the two conversations with the words in parentheses. Use the Present Perfect:


BEV: How is your class going?

DIANA: Great. I have learnt (learn) a lot about the Arctic and polar explorers.

BEV: That sounds interesting. Have you read (read) that book by Paul Nicklen?

DIANA: No, I haven't Who is he? I have never heard (never/hear) of him.

BEV: He's a photographer.  He  has lived (live) and has worked in polar climates for many years . He   has  taken (take) amazing photos of all kinds of animals.

si la phrase est différente  (un peu emmêlée dans l'énoncé) fais-le moi savoir en commentaire...



Lee : Mr Chin has just cancelled ( just / cancel) today's class.

Jen : Really ? Has he  rescheduled ( reschedule) it yet ?

Lee : No, not yet. But I heard the class might be on Saturday .

Jen : Is that possible? Have you ever heard( ever / have ) a class on a Saturday ?

3° WRITING: Choose ONE question (tick it ) and answer it, using the Present Perfect, writing long and complex sentences.

What activities have you alway loved to do?

What interesting places have you visited recently?

What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?​

ici c'est un travail personnel. Je ne connais ni ton âge, ni tes occupations....

Le present perfect = have au présent (have /she, he, it has) + participe passé du verbe. Si tu utilises les adverbes, "already", "ever", "never", "just' ils se placent ente have et le participe passé.

Pour "not ...yet" : not est accolé à have/ has (haven't/hasn't) et "yet" se situe en fin de phrase.

Fais au-moins un essai, nous nous ferons un plaisir de le corriger.


Bonne journée☺☺☺