C-Fill in the gaps with yet, recently, how long, never, since, just, so far, for, ever, already. have you been a teacher? 1- 2- Kate has 3- Have you 4- Sandra has cleaned the window. been to Egypt? driven a car before. 5- I haven't invited anyone to the party_ 6- She has only written one letter 7- You have known them 8- He hasn't phoned -Tony has five years. Sunday bought a dog​

Répondre :

1- **How long** have you been a teacher?
2- Kate **has just** driven a car before.
3- **Have you ever** been to Egypt?
4- Sandra **has recently** cleaned the window.
5- I haven't invited anyone to the party **yet**.
6- She has only written one letter **so far**.
7- You have known them **for** five years.
8- He hasn't phoned **yet**. -Tony has already bought a dog.