A-Fill in the blanks with "will" or "won't" to complete each sentence. 1.1 2. They 3. Sarah 4. We 5. He go to the gym tomorrow because I have a busy schedule. be late for the meeting; they're always punctual. cook dinner tonight; she's too tired. travel to Europe next summer if we can save enough mone forget your birthday; he's already planning a surprise party. rain this afternoon. 6. The weather forecast says it win the match if they keep playing like this. 7. They 8. She lend you her car because she needs it tomorrow.​

Répondre :

1. They **won't** be late for the meeting; they're always punctual.
2. Sarah **won't** cook dinner tonight; she's too tired.
3. We **will** travel to Europe next summer if we can save enough money.
4. He **won't** forget your birthday; he's already planning a surprise party.
5. It **will** rain this afternoon.
6. The weather forecast says they **will** win the match if they keep playing like this.
7. They **won't** lend you her car because she needs it tomorrow