
47 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Répondez aux remarques suivantes, en utilisant le superlatif, et le verbe entre parenthèses, comme dans l'exemple. You've got a new dictionary! It looks very expensive. (buy) Yes, it's the most expensive dictionary I've ever bought. 1. This is a good book, isn't it? (read) Yes it's the most read in a good looke 2. This film's very exciting, isn't it? (see) 3. This ice-cream's fantastic, isn't it? (taste) 4. This exercise is difficult, isn't it? (do) 5. Ugh! This coffee's really bad, isn't it? (have) 6. These chips are delicious, aren't they? (eat) 12​

Répondre :



Réponse :

You've got a new dictionary! It looks very expensive. (buy)

Yes, it's the most expensive dictionary I've ever bought.

superlatif adjectif long : the most + adjectif

dernière partie de phrase au présent perfect : I've + participe passé

1. This is a good book, isn't it? (read)

Yes it's the best book I've ever read

good : adjectif irrégulier

2. This film's very exciting, isn't it? (see)

Yes, it's the most exciting film I've ever seen.

3. This ice-cream's fantastic, isn't it? (taste)

Yes, this  the most fantastic ice-cream I've ever tasted .

4. This exercise is difficult, isn't it? (do)

Yes, the is the most difficult exercise I've ever done.

5. Ugh! This coffee's really bad, isn't it? (have)

Yes, this is the worst coffee I've ever had.

bad : adjectif irrégulier

6. These chips are delicious, aren't they? (eat)

Yes, they chips are the most delicious chips I've ever eaten.​