In this sentence , is (that) a relative pronuon or a demonstrative noun ????
please explain your answer.
The sentence "Modern Jerash has grown to include many of the villages that used to be outside it "
Thanks .​

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In this sentence , is (that) a relative pronoun or a demonstrative noun ?

please explain your answer.

The sentence

"Modern Jerash has grown to include many of the villages [that used to be outside it ]"

[that used to be outside it ]" is a relative clause

that is a relative pronoun referring to "the villages" This pronoun  connects the relative clause ("used to be outside it") to its antecedent ("villages"), It gives  additional information about the villages.

Relative clauses are non-essential parts of a sentence. They may add meaning, but if they are removed, the sentence will still function grammatically.

Hope that helps ☺☺☺