produisent les réponses suivantes. (/ 10 pts)
1. There were 30 boys at the meeting.
2. We want a new car for Christmas.
3. You'll find the answer in the blue book.
4. We're going to the bank because we need money.
5. He repeated the question to make us understand better.
6.She's 36.
7.She goes to London four times every month !
8.It will cost £50.
9. This bracelet is mine.
10. He's cooking a strawberry cake.

Répondre :



Réponse :

1. How many boys were there at the meeting?

There were 30 boys at the meeting.

2. What do you want for Christmas?

We want a new car for Christmas.

3. Where will I find the answer?

You'll find the answer in the blue book.

4. Why are you going to the bank?

We're going to the bank because we need money.

5. Why did he repeat the question?

He repeated the question to make us understand better.

6. How old is she?

She's 36.

7. How often does she go to London?

She goes to London four times every month !

8.How much will it cost?

It will cost £50.

9. Whose bracelet is this?

This bracelet is mine.

10.  What is he cooking?

He's cooking a strawberry cake.

Explications :

Mot interrogatif + auxiliaire + sujet ....?

( parfois des constructions différentes, comme pour la question 9 : À qui est ce bracelet ? )

L'auxiliaire doit être au même temps