A l'aide des mots et expressions clés donnés en classe, REDIGER un paragraphe de 5 à 10 lignes afin de DECRIRE précisément la partie basse (BOTTOM PART) de l'affiche en comparant notamment les personnages représentés, leurs tenues vestimentaires et leur attitude/activité en anglais de l'affiche "showboat"

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The bottom part of the "Showboat" poster showcases a lively scene with a variety of characters engaged in different activities. Colorfully dressed performers can be seen dancing and singing with enthusiasm in the foreground. A couple in elegant attire gracefully dances in the center, adding a touch of romance. Other characters in the background play musical instruments or engage in animated conversations. The bottom part of the poster captures the vibrant atmosphere of the show, highlighting the diversity of the characters and their lively interactions.