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2/ Transform the sentences into the opposite voice (ex: active-> passive/passive-> active):

→ The Plessy vs Ferguson court case made the slogan "separate but equal" legal.

→ Ruby Bridges was protected by policemen during her first day in a non-segregated school.

→ The police arrested Rosa Parks when she refused to give up her seat in a bus in Alabama. Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968​

Répondre :



Réponse :

Transform the sentences into the opposite voice (ex: active-> passive/passive-> active): 

→ The Plessy vs Ferguson court case made the slogan "separate but equal" legal. ( active )

Passive : The slogan "separated but equal" was made legal by the Plessy vs Fergusson court case.

 → Ruby Bridges was protected by policemen during her first day in a non-segregated school.  ( passive )

Active : Policemen protected Ruby Bridges during her first day in a non-segregated school.

→ The police arrested Rosa Parks when she refused to give up her seat in a bus in Alabama.  ( active )

Passive : Rosa Parks was arrested by the police when she refused to give up her seat in a bus in Alabama.

→ Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968​ ( passive )

Active : Someone assassinated Martin Luther King in 1968.

Explications :

Toutes les phrases sont au prétérit

prétérit /passif = was/were + participe passé