qui peut m'aider. Donnez des réponses brèves aux questions suivantes (sur copic) 1) Were the children in Oxford ?
2) Was the film interesting?
4) Was Michael happy?
3) Were you late?
5) Were the books for me?
6) Was the teacher angry? No, Yes, Yes, I No, Yes, No,
V. Complétez les phrases suivantes en mettant ces verbes réguliers au prétérit : ( sur copie)
1) Charles (play) in his room, yesterday. 2) Jenny (want) to buy a new game. 3) Carolyn (play) tennis with her best friend last week.
4) Margaret (visit) her grandmother last night.
5) The children (stay) at school.
6) Tim and John (live) in Australia.
VI. A partir de l'exercice V, transformez les phrases comme demandé : (sur copie)
3) interrogative
4) négative
2) interrogative
1) négative
VII. Posez les questions qui vous permettront d'obtenir l'information qu'il vous manque : (sur copie) 1) He watched television last.............. 3) David is washing his 2) Her parents go to the every day. 4) He repaired his motorbike because.​​

Répondre :



Réponses brèves

1) Were the children in Oxford ? No, they weren't.

2) Was the film interesting? Yes it was.

4) Was Michael happy? Yes, he was.

3) Were you late? No, I wasn't

5) Were the books for me? Yes, they were.

6) Was the teacher angry? No, he wasn't.

réponses courtes/short answers

Elles répondes à des questions fermées (oui /non)

: Yes/ No + virgule + reprise du sujet sous forme de pronom personnel) + (reprise de l'auxiliaire  (+  not si la réponse est négative => toujours en forme contractée pour les négations)

Ici  on a l'auxiliaire "be". Si on avait affaire à un verbe lexical, ou emploierait "do" pour le présent, "did" pour le past..

V. Complétez les phrases suivantes en mettant ces verbes réguliers au prétérit :

1) Charles (play) played in his room, yesterday.

2) Jenny (want) wanted to buy a new game.

3) Carolyn (play)played tennis with her best friend last week.

4) Margaret (visit) visited her grandmother last night.

5) The children (stay) stayed at school.

6) Tim and John (live) lived in Australia.


VI. A partir de l'exercice V, transformez les phrases comme demandé :

je ne sais pas s'il faut reprendre les phrases de l'exo précédent...

3) interrogative

3) Carolyn (play)played tennis with her best friend last week.

Did Carolyn play tennis with her best friend last week ?

4) négative

4) Margaret (visit) visited her grandmother last night.

  Margaret didn't visit her grandmother last night.

2) interrogative

2) Jenny (want) wanted to buy a new game.

Did Jenny want to buy a new game. ?

1) négative

1) Charles (play) played in his room, yesterday.

  Charles didn't play in his room, yesterday.


VII. Posez les questions qui vous permettront d'obtenir l'information.

1) He watched television last..............  (preterit)

When did he watch television ?

2) Her parents go to the...... every day. (present)

  Where do her parents go every day ?

3) David is washing his  (present continuous)

  What is David washing ?

4) He repaired his motorbike because.​​ (preterit)

  Why did he repair his motorbike?

Pour les interrogations et négations  de verbes lexicaux, on emploie un auxiliaire>

"do" au présent (qui devient "does" à la 3e p. sing.

"did" au prétértit (past de "do")

L'auxiliaire étant donc conjugué ("does" au présent, preterit "did" au past) les verbes retrouvent leur Base Verbale.

Bonne journée☺☺☺