Complétez les phrases suivantes avec des mots de la carte mentale a. Climate fiction, commonly abbreviated as cli-fi, is a ........ b . It deals with and relies on.......... c. The....... in cli-fi novels shows the...... of human activities on climate. d. It aims at raising people's... on climate change issues. e. Cli-fi novels feature a... and... near future in which characters' stories and actions.............​

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a. Climate fiction, commonly abbreviated as cli-fi, is a genre of literature.

b. It deals with and relies on themes related to climate change and environmental issues.

c. The setting in cli-fi novels shows the impact of human activities on climate change.

d. It aims at raising people's awareness on climate change issues.

e. Cli-fi novels feature a dystopian and speculative near future in which characters' stories and actions are shaped by environmental degradation and climate-related disasters.

Voilà, j'espère que ma réponse t'aura aidé(e) :)