Complete the sentences as in the example :
1. You are studying for the test, aren't you ?
2. Your father teaches science, ______________?
3. You don't have a computer, ______________?
4. Science is easier than mathematics, ______________?
5. Jane bought a new cell phone last week, ______________?
6. You can't use a computer, ______________?
7. Your brother will study chemistry at the university, ______________?
8. Marie Curie was a great scientist, ______________?
9. You can store an encyclopedia in a CD-ROM, ______________?
10. Your CD player is new, ______________?
11. Chemistry isn't as difficult as physics, ______________?
12. You didn't use this fax machine, ______________?
13. Your sister will not buy a new digital camera, ______________?
14. Alice has to fax these documents, ______________?
15. John didn't send us an e-mail, ______________?
16. Satellites are used to transmit telephone calls, ______________?
17. It's easy to use a fax machine, ______________?
18. Many inventions were accidental, ______________?

Répondre :

1. You are studying for the test, aren't you?

2. Your father teaches science, doesn't he?

3. You don't have a computer, do you?

4. Science is easier than mathematics, isn't it?

5. Jane bought a new cell phone last week, didn't she?

6. You can't use a computer, can you?

7. Your brother will study chemistry at the university, won't he?

8. Marie Curie was a great scientist, wasn't she?

9. You can store an encyclopedia in a CD-ROM, can't you?

10. Your CD player is new, isn't it?

11. Chemistry isn't as difficult as physics, is it?

12. You didn't use this fax machine, did you?

13. Your sister will not buy a new digital camera, will she?

14. Alice has to fax these documents, doesn't she?

15. John didn't send us an e-mail, did he?

16. Satellites are used to transmit telephone calls, aren't they?

17. It's easy to use a fax machine, isn't it?

18. Many inventions were accidental, weren't they?