
How do you react to these situations?: On your copybook, write your answers with the
different expressions given below

1) "I have a headache. What should I do?" (should/had better)

2) "I often feel sad because my school results are terrible !" (if I were you,../shouldn't)

3) "My best friend criticises me all the time !" (Why not? / I advise you to)

4) "I don't want to go to school anymore. Some mean boys make me feel scared."(shouldn't/ ought to)

5) "I am always late!" (What about? / would rather)

6) "A horrible boy forces me to steal!" (let's / Why don't you?)

Répondre :


1) "You should take some medicine for your headache."

2) "If I were you, I'd try talking to a teacher or a counselor about it."

3) "I advise you to have an open conversation with your friend about how you feel."

4) "You shouldn't let those mean boys make you feel scared. You ought to talk to a trusted adult about it."

5) "What about setting alarms or reminders to help you be on time?"

6) "Why don't you talk to a trusted adult about the situation? Let's figure out how to handle it together."