1 *Match the questions (1-6) to the answers (a-g). One answer is extra. How long is the school's a About basketball court? 1 kilometre. 2 How far is the sports b Three 3 centre from here? What floor is the yoga class on? weeks. c The 2nd. d 29 metres. 4 How often do you go e At 10pm. running? f 6th June. 5 What date is the final football match? How long were you on a diet for? g Twice a week.​

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*Match the questions (1-6) to the answers (a-g).

One answer is extra.

1-  How long  about is the school basketball court? d- 29 metres

2- How far  is the sports centre  from here?  a- 1 kilometre

3-What floor is the yoga class on? c The 2nd. .

4- How often do you go  running? g Twice a week.​

5- What date is the final football match? f- 6th June.

6- How long were you on a diet for?  b- Three weeks

The extra answer is  = e-at 10 p.e.  => pas de questions portant sur la durée en heure (how many hours .......????

j'espère juste avoir remis les phrases dans l'ordre


bonne soirée☺☺☺