Soit une pyramide régulière à base carrée de côté 2m et d'arête latérale 32m. Donner la hauteur de la pyramide. On arrondira le résultat au millimètre près et suivi de l'unité qui convient. En déduire son volume.

On donnera le résultat au 3 ​​ près et suivi de l'unité qui convient.

Répondre :

Given a square-based pyramid with a base side length of 2 meters and a side ridge (slant height) of 32 meters, we need to find the height of the pyramid and its volume.

### Step 1: Find the Height of the Pyramid

The slant height (\( h_s \)) forms the hypotenuse of a right triangle where one leg is half the base length (\( b/2 \)) and the other leg is the height of the pyramid (\( h \)).

Using the Pythagorean theorem:


h_s^2 = h^2 + \left(\frac{b}{2}\right)^2



- \( h_s = 32 \) meters

- \( b = 2 \) meters

- \( \frac{b}{2} = 1 \) meter

Substituting the values:


32^2 = h^2 + 1^2



1024 = h^2 + 1



h^2 = 1023



h = \sqrt{1023}


Approximating the square root:


h \approx 31.984 \text{ meters}


Converting to millimeters (1 meter = 1000 millimeters):


h \approx 31984 \text{ millimeters}


Rounded to the nearest millimeter:


h \approx 31984 \text{ mm}


### Step 2: Calculate the Volume of the Pyramid

The volume (V) of a pyramid is given by:


V = \frac{1}{3} b^2 h



- \( b = 2 \) meters

- \( h \approx 31.984 \) meters

Substituting the values:


V = \frac{1}{3} (2)^2 (31.984)



V = \frac{1}{3} \times 4 \times 31.984



V = \frac{1}{3} \times 127.936



V \approx 42.6453 \text{ cubic meters}


Rounded to three decimal places:


V \approx 42.645 \text{ m}^3


### Final Results

- **Height**: \( 31984 \) mm

- **Volume**: \( 42.645 \) m\(^3\)

lol c gpt qui t’as répondu en plus c en anglais