RECAP! ► Go to and find the correct translation. Be careful! Choose the correct proposition. Attention | Choisis la proposition qui correspond au sens de ta phrase.

Nosedive is an episode of the (série)..... Black Mirror.

In this episode, people use a new (application)....... .It can (noter)....... interactions with people (de 1 à 5)...... 1......5 stars.

If you have a positive (évaluation)..........., you have privileges. If you have a negative (evaluation)...........,you suffer restrictions. ​

Répondre :



Go to and find the correct translation. Be careful! Choose the correct proposition. Attention | Choisis la proposition qui correspond au sens de ta phrase.

Nosedive is an episode of the (série)  Black Mirror series.**

In this episode, people use a new (application) application. It can (noter) rate interactions with people (de 1 à 5) from 1 to 5 stars.

If you have a positive (évaluation) rating , you have privileges. If you have a negative (evaluation) rating you suffer restrictions. ​


** une série télévisée se met toujours au pluriel en anglais....


Bonne journée☺☺☺