
‏circle the correct word:
1. my mother bought me new shoes from l in / to the store.
2. The boat sailed in / under l on the bridge.
3. Mike jumped into l on /at the water.
4. & fill in with:
5. must _ Can't_ need. needn't - should.
You…..practice sport.It’s good for you
‏Students……listen to music in the class. Drivers…….Respect the traffic low
‏You ……take your umbrella. It's not raining

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circle the correct word:

1.    my mother bought me new shoes from l in / to the store.

2.    The boat sailed in / under l on the bridge.

3.    Mike jumped into l on /at the water.


5. must _ Can't_ need. needn't - should.

You should practice sport.It’s good for you

‏Students can't listen to music in the class.

Drivers must respect the traffic low

‏You needn't take your umbrella. It's not raining


bonne journée ☺☺☺