4 Dans le texte suivant, conjugue les verbes au passif au prétérit. In workhouses, poor children...... In exchange, they.. the book which He... (use) as a chimney sweep. (force) to work. (give) food and (allow) to sleep in a dormitory. In Oliver Twist, (write) by Charles Dickens, Olive (not allow) to shout or rebel. (send) to a workhouse and he pouvez vous m'aider svp merci beaucoup ​

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Réponse :

 In workhouses, poor children...... In exchange, they.. the book which He... (use) as a chimney sweep. (force) to work. (give) food and (allow) to sleep in a dormitory. In Oliver Twist, (write) by Charles Dickens, Olive (not allow) to shout or rebel. (send) to a workhouse and he

....Ça semble mélangé

 In workhouses, poor children were forced to work.In exchange, they were given food and were allowed to sleep in a dormitory.

  In Oliver Twist, the book which was written (write) by Charles Dickens, Oliver was not allowed  (not allow) to shout or rebel.

He was sent (send) to a workhouse and he was used (use) as a chimney sweep.

Pas 100% certaine que ce soit exactement l'ordre ... Fais attention car les phrases mélangées peuvent être source d'erreur dans la réponse ( en fonction du sujet )

Oliver was not allowed  (not allow) to shout or rebel.

They were not allowed to shout or rebel

Explications :

he/she/it + was + participe passé

I/you/we/they + were + participe passé