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Réponse :

Construis un comparatif d'infériorité avec les éléments suivants :

1. politicians / film stars (popular)

→ Politicians are less popular than film stars.

→ Politicians aren't as popular as film stars.

2. parents / teachers (patient)

→ Parents are less patient than teachers.

→ Parents aren't as patient as teachers.

3. teenagers / adults (interested in politics)

→ Teenagers are less interested in politics than adults

→ Teenagers aren't as interested in politics as adults

4. giraffes / antelopes (run fast)

→ Giraffes are not as fast as antelopes

5. The Eiffel Tower / the Empire State Building (high)

→ The Eiffel Tower isn't as high as the Empire State Building

clever - hardworking - romantic - polite - messy - imaginative - obedient

strong - quiet - bad at cooking

comparatif d'égalité ( adjectifs courts et longs : as + adjectif + as )

- Boys are as clever as girls.

- Boys are as polite as girls

comparatif de d'infériorité

- Boys aren't as imaginative as girls

- Boys aren't as romantic as girls

comparatif de supériorité ( plus ... que )

- Boys are worse at cooking than girls . ( bad : irrégulier )

- Girls are more hardworking than boys. ( adjectif long : more + adjectif + than )