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Réponse :

1. He asked them if they worked every day.

2. Linda told us that her brother had often broken glasses.

3. They want to know how old I am.

4. She asked them where they would go the following month.

5. David asked me if I had thought about it.

6. She wondered what foreign languages I could speak.

7. He wanted to know haw long they had been living in London.

8. He says he has forgotten the appointment.

9. He asked me if I met her the day before.

10. He replied that he had seen Tim two weeks before.

Explications :

- Pour toutes les phrases ( sauf la 8 ) le verbe introducteur est au prétérit, il faut donc faire attention à la concordance des temps:

présent simple devient prétérit

prétérit devient past perfect

present perfect devient past perfect

will + BV devient would + BV

- Changement de pronom

- Changement des indicateurs de temps ( yesterday ( hier )devient the day before ( la veille... )