•Pour parler d'alternatives: either... or /neither ... nor
Complète avec l'expression qui convient:
1. With your long hair, you can wear
a pony tail
a bun.
2. Your father likes
punk hairstyles
..............funky hairstyles.
3. You can't go to the party as Zorro. I have
a mask
............... . a hat.
4. But you can go as a doctor, with
a mask
............. a white coat.
5. The fortune-teller says I will marry
an Aquarius
a Leo.
6. Without good fortune, you can
succeed in life.

Répondre :



Réponse :

Pour parler d'alternatives:

either... or ( soit ... soit ) /neither ... nor ( ni ... ni )

Complète avec l'expression qui convient:

1. With your long hair, you can wear either a pony tail or a bun.

2. Your father neither likes punk hairstyles nor funky hairstyles.

3. You can't go to the party as Zorro. I have neither a mask nor  a hat.

4. But you can go as a doctor, with either a mask or a white coat.

5. The fortune-teller says I will marry either  an Aquarius or a Leo.

6. Without good fortune, you can neither marry nor succeed in life.