
Complete avec much many a little ou a few

You don't need...carrots in this recipe

Put the cake in thé oven for...minutes

There IS just...water in this bottle

How many eggs do you need for this cake?


Mm WE havent got...orange juice for the party let's go shopping

'lemonade'yes please but just....

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Réponse :

Complete avec much many a little ou a few

much + indénombrable

many + dénombrable

a little + indénombrable ( un peu de )

a few + dénombrables ( quelques )

You don't need many carrots in this recipe

Put the cake in the oven for a few minutes

There is just a little water in this bottle

How many eggs do you need for this cake?Just a few

Mm we havent got much orange juice for the party let's go shopping 

( manque quelque chose ici ?) 'lemonade 'yes please but just a little