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utiliser des superlatifs  pour vous comparer ou comparer un membre de votre famille à tous les autres : au moins 4 phrases.

superlatifs ou comparatifs ???? ce n'est pas clair = superlatif pour comparer ????............

I'm taller than my sister. In fact I'm the tallest in the family.

She’s thinner than me. She is the thinnest in the family.

I'm older than my sibblings. I'm the oldest child in the family.

I'm less hard-working than my older brother. I'm the least hard-working in the family

I'm more open-minded than the rest of the family. I'm the most open-minded in the family.

I'm a better soccer player than my brother. I'm the best soccer player in the family.

My school results were not as good as those of my brothers and sisters. My school results were the worst  .

je te laisse piocher entre les comparatifs (tous supériorité + 1 infériorité (less) +  1 as....as

et les superlatifs


bonne journée ☺☺☺