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Le pluperfect désigne une action antérieure à celle énoncée au prététrit

il se forme ainsi = HAD + participe passé

1- When Jimmy signed his first contract with a Hollywood studio, he had never acted in a film.

2-By the age of 28both Julia and Helen had already tried six different jobs.

3- Molly had already played in one TV series when she got the leading role in a big production

EXO 3 le prétérit sera l'action passé la plus proche du présent et le pluperfect est m'action accomplie avant celle au prétérit

1-William had fed his dog before he went to work.

2-When we called the police, the robbers had escaped.

3-Usain Bolt drank a lot of  water after he had run ten kilometers.

4- Just before he heard his TV explode, Bob had left the living room.

5- After Tom had visited the Paramount Studios, he ate three tacos and a side of rice.


1- for two years. (durée)

2- Since I was five  (début de l'action, point de départ précis)

3- When she came, the movie had already started.

4- No one had told me about the accident because they didn't want me to know.


At the age of 5, Mozart had already written his first pieces.

Lea had lived in London for 3 years when she met Kyle.


Lea had been living

le past perfect continuous va insiter davantage sur la durée


je viens de me rendre compte que tu ne voulais que le n° 2 !!!!!!


bonne journée☺☺☺

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