Répondre :


bonjour ?? aide svp ??

en gros

present progressif

to be à conjuguer + verbe en ING


prendre liste des verbes irréguliers - si pas dans la liste à connaitre par coeur, juste rajouter -ED en fin de la base verbale du verbe


juste rajouter WILL devant chq base verbale

they are expecting - they expected et they will expect

idem pour le reste



a) présent progressif :

am/is/are + V-ing

b) prétérit simple:

Verbes réguliers : on ajoute "ed"

Verbes irréguliers : par coeur

c) futur:

will + BV

Réponse :

They expect some friends for dinner.

a) They are expecting some friends for dinner

b) They expected some friends for dinner.

c) They will expect some friends for dinner.

Toby fixes his motorbike.

a) Toby is fixing his motorbike

b) Toby fixed his motorbike.

c) Toby will fix his motorbike.

3. Tina puts a new film in her camera.

a) Tina is putting a new film in her camera

put : verbe d'une syllabe qui se termine par une consonne précédée d'une seule voyelle = on double la consonne finale )

b) Tina put a new film in her camera.

c) Tina will put a new film in her camera

I go to school by foot.

a) I am going to school.

b) I went to school

c) I will go to school by foot.

That boy writes on the table.

a) That boy is writing on the table

b) That boy wrote on the table

c) That boy will write on the table

They don't sleep well. ( attention : forme négative )

a) They aren't sleeping well

b) They didn't sleep well

c) They won't sleep well